How do I sign up?
IN PERSON only: Doors 7pm; Signups 7:15pm-7:30pm; It is random. The numbers are drawn when you sign up. If you show up late you are not guaranteed a spot, and it's entirely dependent on how many people have signed up and how many audience members there are present. Typically, the show goes until 11-11:30.
Do you record all performances? Audio or Video? How do I get a copy of audio or video?
You sign up for the video at the beginning of the night or as early as possible. You MUST sign up BEFORE you play so we know to record your performance. There's a sign-up sheet at the end of the bar.
It takes up to one week to get the videos back to you. Payment is $20 through PayPal, Venmo or Cash App.
If someone has questions they can reach out to findyourmuseonline@gmail.com
Showtime 7:30pm. It cost $5 to get in for both audience and performers
2 songs or 10 minutes maximum (all originals preferred).
Spoken Word and Poetry is 6-minute sets.
5 Comedians per night. To schedule, contact Charlotte Laughs Tonight on Facebook.
What gear is there?
3 Microphones
2 Direct inputs
1 Bass amp
Drum shells (please bring your own cymbals)
1 Keyboard
2 Instrument mics for amps
How do I bring my own recordings/tracks?
You'll email the tracks after you sign up to perform. Thumb drives also work.
Come out on any Monday (see our website for dates), it's only $5, and watch once before performing and also support those in line to perform.